full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Katie Hood: The difference between healthy and unhealthy love

Unscramble the Blue Letters

It can be really hard to see when unhealthy love turns towards abuse, but it's fair to say that the more of these markers your ritniaolhesp might have, the more unhealthy and maybe dangerous your relationship could be. And if your instinct is to break up and leave, which is advice so many of us give our friends when they're in unhealthy rhtinpeisolas, that's not always the best advice. Time of brkueap can be a real trigger for violence. If you fear you might be headed towards abuse or in ausbe, you need to consult with experts to get the acdvie on how to leave safely.

Open Cloze

It can be really hard to see when unhealthy love turns towards abuse, but it's fair to say that the more of these markers your ____________ might have, the more unhealthy and maybe dangerous your relationship could be. And if your instinct is to break up and leave, which is advice so many of us give our friends when they're in unhealthy _____________, that's not always the best advice. Time of _______ can be a real trigger for violence. If you fear you might be headed towards abuse or in _____, you need to consult with experts to get the ______ on how to leave safely.


  1. advice
  2. relationships
  3. relationship
  4. breakup
  5. abuse

Original Text

It can be really hard to see when unhealthy love turns towards abuse, but it's fair to say that the more of these markers your relationship might have, the more unhealthy and maybe dangerous your relationship could be. And if your instinct is to break up and leave, which is advice so many of us give our friends when they're in unhealthy relationships, that's not always the best advice. Time of breakup can be a real trigger for violence. If you fear you might be headed towards abuse or in abuse, you need to consult with experts to get the advice on how to leave safely.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
unhealthy love 6
extreme jealousy 4
spending time 2
unhealthy relationship 2
unhealthy signs 2
relationship starts 2
monday funday 2
funday orange 2
wanna hang 2
gotta study 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
monday funday orange 2

Important Words

  1. abuse
  2. advice
  3. break
  4. breakup
  5. consult
  6. dangerous
  7. experts
  8. fair
  9. fear
  10. friends
  11. give
  12. hard
  13. headed
  14. instinct
  15. leave
  16. love
  17. markers
  18. real
  19. relationship
  20. relationships
  21. safely
  22. time
  23. trigger
  24. turns
  25. unhealthy
  26. violence